Friday, June 7, 2013

BSY noni enzyme (BSY 100% Pure Noni Leaven)


                                                               BSY noni enzyme

Description:Brand BSY. Company based in USA, Made in Guangzhou.
Distributing in Hong Kong, USA, Korea, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Taiwan, Indonesia, India.

NONI 100% Pure Leaven
NONI  (Morinda citrifolia) 

Facts The medicinal properties of Noni were discovered, more than 2000 years ago, by the Polynesians, who imported the fruit from Southeast Asia. Today the noni fruits is eaten in many parts of the world, mainly in the Pacific Islands, Southeast Asia and Australia. Those who recovered from illness after eating the noni fruit called it? The fruit of God?

Noni juice was approved by the European Commission as a novel food and was allowed to be commercialised in the EU. A novel food is food or a food ingredient that was not used to a significant degree in the EU before May 15, 1997. Before any new food product can be introduced on the European market it must be rigorously assessed for  safety.  

OTHER NAMES: Indian mulberry, Nonu -India, Nono - Tahiti, Lada - Guam, Kura-Fiji, Niam - Asian, Cheese fruit - Australia, Painkiller tree - Caribean, Bumbo - African

Medical Evidence Substantiates that Noni Can Strengthen The Immune System
* Increase 50% in Healthy People Immune System
*· Natural Killer Cells Enhanced by 300%
* Patients suffering from chronic fatigue, gradually recovered by consumption of Noni.
* 100% increase in Immunity System for Cancer Patients who consume Noni.

What Noni is used for and its’ benefits 

*  Noni has a history of use as a topical preparation for joint pain and skin conditions. 

*  Traditionally, the leaves and fruit of noni have been used for health purposes.

*  Today, people drink noni fruit juice areal as a health tonic, as well as for cancer and chronic conditions such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes. 

* Noni has been reported to have a range of health benefits for colds, cancer, diabetes, asthma, hypertension, pain, skin infection, high blood pressure, mental depression, atherosclerosis and arthritis

*  The noni contain the antibacterial compounds in the fruits (acubin, L-asperuloside and alizarin) and roots (anthrauinones).
*  Noni conatins scopoletin which inhibits the growth of Escherichia coli, which is responsible for intestinal infections, and Heliobacter pylori, which causes ulcers.

*  Damnacanthal, which is found in the noni roots, inhibits the tyrosine kinase and gives noni anti-tumor activity


BSY  Noni 100% Pure Leaven 
USA  Technology

             "THE  NATURAL HEALER “             


1.        Internal Physique Protections:

                NONI can quickly rule out the accumulated toxins in the body, maintain blood in weak alkaline level and balanced amount of intestinal bacteria, strengthens the cells, promote digestion and strengthen the resistance on pathogenic bacteria.

2.          Anti-Inflammatory Function:

                When part of human cells injured or damaged, intrusion of sickness-caused pathogens will begin to root, grow uncontrollably and cause inflammation. In fact, enzyme does not fill the treatment capacity, but it ships a large number of white blood cells to heal the wound, whatever the disease is, the most basic treatment for body is still relied on the body’s healing capacity. Even the specific drug or antibiotics, can only eradicate pathogens but not promote growing of new cells but NONI enzymes will come into the gene and help on cell proliferation.

3.        Antibacterial Effect:

                Noni enzyme enhances white blood cells antibacterial and disinfection functions while promote growth of new cells to achieve the fundamental purpose of the disease. This is an important function of NONI Decomposition, healing the affected area or remain in the intramuscular purulence, dirt, the body return to normal conditions. Moreover, the promotion of food digestion and absorption is also one of decomposition.

4.        Blood Purification Role:

                Decomposition, the excretion of waste in the blood and  brain inflammation generated by the virus but also decomposition cholesterol, blood weakly alkaline maintain, promote blood circulation, treatment bald, shoulder pain, bruises and other disease.

5.        Cell Activation:   

                Through xeronine supplementation, immune system can be activated in triggering self-healing function in the operation of the human body and constantly provide needs of energy in the process of healing, increase cell metabolism and cell regeneration.

6.        Health Functions:                               

                Help to improve functions of heart, brain, liver, skin, blood system and the endocrine cells. Improve livers detoxification function, promote livers cell regeneration. Repair damaged brain cells, activation of brain and nerve cell function, help in overall improvement of mental retardation and dementia. Activation of myocardial cells and thus promotes myocardial cell regeneration. Regulating blood lipids while stabilising blood sugar, activate hematological function. Adjusting endocrine system. Dilute elderly plague and restoring skin flexibility, reduce wrinkles generation, while dilute melanoma at the same time. Sedative and analgesic, anti-filamentary functions. Enhance retinal photoreceptor, the sense of colour, visual acuity and reduce the formation of cataract. At the same time, terseness helps to prevent glaucoma. Frequent consumption promotes energetic level.


        * No mixture with other fruit juice.
        * No artificial additive or preservative.
        * 1250 calories per 50ml of Noni leaven.
        * 0.025 gram of protein.
           * 0.285 gram of carbohydrate
        * 0.725 gram of sodium


* Pure deep colour, sour with astringent taste, unsweetened,
*  If uncomfortable with taste, one can mix this Noni Leaven with fruit juice (such as blueberry juice, apple juice, pineapple juice, honey, etc) for better taste

1. To achieve best effectiveness, a dose of Noni Leaven at least 30 minutes before eating will encourage quick absorbent of leaven in becoming xeronine in intestine, as the after-meal stomach contains acidic digestive liquid and thus interferes with the xeronine conversion and cause effectiveness reduction

2.  Dosage: 1-2 times a day, in the early morning, midday, or before sleep with 2-3 drops.

3. Drinking coffee  is discouraged within 30 minutes of dosage consumption

Note:  Consumption; Strictly as pure nutritious food, irreplaceable with drugs and not to be treated as medical treatment

Durability: 2 years (at a cool, dry place, the longer the storage year, the more valuable and taste better)
Origin: South-Pacific Islands


1 bottle contain 50ml cost RM200.00.  Delivery by poslaju charged RM10.00.
Buy 2 bottles free 1 bottle (3 x 50ml) cost RM400.00. Delivery by poslaju RM10.00.

Maybank Account: 112072054407
Maybank Account Holder Name: NG ENG SIONG

For those who are interested:
Contact Details:
Eng Siong & Siew Fern

+6012 9053646